Betty Ann Was Created Not Born

(By Betty Ann 49-H-3)

By all outward appearances I look like any other male but deep inside I feel like a woman and she is in constant conflict with the male body for recognition. The only way I know how to keep her happy is to dress in soft frilly feminine clothes for a few hours a day.

I enjoy every minute I am dressed as a woman and I'm not hurting anyone by it. Every daily paper has some kind of story about drunkeness, disorderliness, rape, child molesting; all these activities and many more hurt someone other than the party involved.

A TV doesn't want to hurt anyone. Although some people don't like what we do they are not actually hurt by it. All we want is to be seen, loved and not ridiculed for something we have very little control over. We are no different than other people and certainly our characters don't change just because we put on a dress.

As we know, every human is born with both male and female hormones regardless of their sex. There are some of us with more hormones of the opposite sex than what is considered normal and we feel we have to express this in the only way we know how, by cross dressing. Everyone has a dual personality, but some are unfortunate that they cannot recognize it for what it is and